Thursday, September 01, 2005

After about 15 hours of moving, I fell into a deep sleep.

My phone woke me up at 3 in the morning. It was Young, calling from the other side of the apartment. His newly painted bedroom door was stuck shut, trapping him in his room.

"I've been trying to open it for 15 minutes. Could you come over here and help. I have to use the bathroom."


I am having no trouble picturing this scenario. Thank you.
There are two types of roommates in this world: The kind who will wake you up with a cel phone call at 3 a.m. because he's painted into his room and needs to piss -and- the type who won't bother because he'll just piss in one or several of the empty beer bottles all over his room.
You, my friend, certainly have the better of those two types.
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