Thursday, September 15, 2005

Last night I hung out with Tom (my best friend growing up) and his wife, Steph.

In this picture, due to a weird accidental light effect, it sort of looks like Tom's mind is escaping.

Tom: We have this iTunes network at work, which is great. There's this huge library of everybody's music to listen to. But then you're going through someone's music list going, "yep, yep, good" and you come across something terrible like [terrible song, the name of which I've forgotten].
Steph: That's understandable, though. If someone started digging through all your CDs I'm sure eventually they'd find...
Tom: Your CDs.
Steph. Oh. Ouch.
Tom: Well, the Boomerang soundtrack isn't mine.
Steph: Hey, there's that one really good slow song on there.

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