Sunday, November 06, 2005

Hansen points to the side of his head, where (under his hair) he has a huge bruise from being hit with a lead pipe.

Thursday night, coming back to his office after going out to a work event, Hansen was jumped by two guys, one of whom beat him in the head twice with a lead pipe (later, "it was probably a PVC pipe, but you get the idea") while yelling, "How do you like that, bitch?"

Luckily, he was able to fight his way free ("They were nuts. They weren't exactly ninjas.") and run away. A police report and just-in-case CAT scan later, he seems to be alright, except that he has a headache and can't wear a hat for a while.

Hansen's Bruise Tally:

Pipe to the head (2)
Scratch to the face (1)
Brain Damage (0)

Crazy Attackers' Bruise Tally:

Kick to the kneecap (1)
Punch to the neck (1)

[Trupe: I can't believe you punched one of them in the neck.
Hansen: I was aiming for the face.]

A little time has passed, and Hansen's downplaying the whole thing, and the jokes have already begun... but Hansen, I'm glad you're alright.

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