Thursday, November 24, 2005

A Hometown, Ohio Thanksgiving.

Ty and I were already back to being best friends.

Mom explained that the dishwasher and garbage disposal were both not working and that when she said we all had to clear our plates, she really meant it this time.

Dad surprised Mom with a birthday cake a day early.

Sherry seemed to be in a better mood than usual, suggesting we play Trivial Pursuit and playing nearly to the end.

Julie and her husband, Matt, poured over the advertising inserts for the next day's 5am "super-sales".

Allie called from the hotel where her volleyball team was staying. They'd lost a game they "should have won" so there wasn't a lot of celebrating and "lights out" had been moved up a couple hours.

It was my first Thanksgiving home in years and I was very happy to be there.

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