Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A Going Away Gathering for Josh and Andrea.

Josh had been trying to move to Chicago for years, but there were always family issues/emergencies keeping him in Arizona.

In August he and Andrea were finally able to load up a truck (including my giant bed) and move here. Now, a couple months later, as they're starting to feel settled and Josh has saved up enough to start taking improv classes... another family crisis has arisen and he needs to move back to Arizona and raise his 13 year old brother. And they're leaving tommorrow.

Josh: We were supposed to leave last week but I lost the car. We thought it had gotten towed and then we thought it was stolen, but it turns out it was just buried under snow and parked in a different place than I remembered. It took a couple days to figure it out.

I'm tempted to draw a parallell to when I moved back to Arizona for N, but, really, it's not the same.

Raising a 13 year old brother? That's rough.

Why can't the brother move to Chicago?
There is something to be said about someone who is willing to put his own desires and dreams on hold for someone in need. That's rare these days. Fuck yeah, Josh!
Kinda "Fuck yeah, Josh!" but really I wish he and Andrea were sticking around, if only for selfish reasons. I tried getting them to stay. I even moved their car and buried it in snow in order to delay them. But alas.
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