Monday, December 26, 2005

On Christmas Eve I sent N a text message. I debated whether I should do it or not. On the one hand, I didn't want to intrude, or seem like I wanted to get back together. On the other hand, it was Christmas, and wouldn't it seem uncaring to let it pass without saying anything?

"merry xmas. hope ur well."

I almost added, "no need 2 write back" but figured it was a given... and since she didn't write back, I guess it was.

oh, arnie.
hang in there.

i hope we're never bfris, because we'll be a landmine. texts are such a double edged sword... it's so positive in so many ways, but there have been a million times when i thought - did i just say that with text?

or was it just said to me?


you've got a kind heart.
nice, in whatever form, for you to use it as you do.
it should have been a card. it's like the jack lemmon picture she got you: you liked it, but you didn't care enough to hang it up. if it was a card it would have meant you'd given it some thought and put in a little effort. text is easy.

ps, i have no right to comment, just a random reader. sorry.
I disagree, it shouldn't have been a card because that would imply more planning and emotional investment, which seems to be exactly what N doesn't want. Texting says "i didn't plan this but i thought of you and wanted to let you know that" which is sweet, and regardless of what N wants it allows Arnie to express himself in a non-committal way. I see it as a compromise.

PS - also a random reader, waaay after the fact
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