Saturday, December 31, 2005


The big steak dinner with a bunch of friends went later than expected, so we were running late to John and Kerry's New Year's Eve party. And, of course, there was no place to park.

Young: This is miserable. We could end up driving around for an hour.

Frustration set in.

Young: Are those guys getting out of that spot or not? What are they doing? Forget it. Forget it! They're fucking morons!

Luckily, while getting the beers for the party (six packs, for '06), I had impulse purchased a festive holiday noise maker.

Young: It's practically midnight. No one's going to leave any of these spots. We're screwed.
Me: [TOOT!]
Young: This is a nightmare.

Yet another reason why staying home on NYE is an excellent idea... --VM--
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