Thursday, January 05, 2006
A recent e-mail exchange about my birthday.
Young: How many people did you invite to your party. I want to be able to ballpark when I call Goldies today.
Me: I'm not sure how many I invited. I guess 50 or so through gmail. Maybe 10 more through yahoo.
Nick: Uh, what do you guys think the maximum safety capacity is at Goldies?
Trupe: Arnie said he wants it to be "sweaty like a Nelly video"...
Me: So... no one felt compelled to bring up these problems before I sent the e-mails out?
Hansen: Horrible of us, that's true -- if only you had ever been to Goldie's and knew its dimensions....
Trupe: Wait, I don't see the big deal... Sure it's small, but... We're only talking 3-4 hours. I think we'll be fine.
Hansen: 3-4 HOURS??!! I thought we were all downing a roasted scrotum, flipping the bird, and cruising -- and perhaps maybe flinging a gift card of some kind at Arnie on the way out?
Trupe: That's it. I called Goldie's. Everything is off and they are closing forever. Arnie, you will remain 29 forever!!!