Sunday, April 02, 2006

I'm not sure at what point my Grandma Anne had to stop going to school because her time was needed back on the farm, but I think it was right around the fourth grade. Mom has mentioned that she's not sure how well she can write, beyond signing her name. "My whole life, I've never known her to write a letter."

She's written at least one letter, though, this one, that she sent me a few years ago.

I called Grandma Anne in the nursing home today. I hadn't talked to her in... well, too long.

Me: How is the place? I mean, I know obviously you should be in a better place.
Grandma Anne: This isn't the right place.
Me: I think Mom and Dad are trying to get you to the place you want to be.
Grandma Anne: They have me on the Alls-timers unit. I'm with all those people.
Me: I know. Probably no one to have much of a conversation with.
Grandma Anne: No, no. You can't talk to them.

We talked for a bit and then she sensed it was time to get off the phone.

Grandma Anne: Well, thanks for calling. I always like hearing from you.
Me: I'll try to call again soon.
Grandma Anne: Don't forget about me.

My parents are from Hungary, they escaped to the United States during the revolution against the Soviet Union in 1956, so I only met my grandmas once. My mom's mom I met when I was about 3 years old. My dad's mom I met when I was 24 years old, and I got to spend only an afternoon with her.

My stepdad's mom has become kind of like a grandma to me, and she is in a nursing home now. The only personal letters I have written in the past 10 years or so have been to my stepdad's mom. She's like my grandma now. But I have not spoken to her in a while, being that I live 1200 miles away from her.

I've been meaning to send her another letter again.

Hope your grandma stays well and that she gets into a home worth getting into, Arnie.
My heart. Its swelling. I love your grandmother.
My grandmother spent 11 years in the Alzheimers ward and it was the worst place to be for someone who is in decline but still mostly mentally there (bad place for anyone really). You're a good man for keeping in touch with her, and remaining concerned about her well being.

This blog is absolutely profound, and the flow is really incredible. Most of it has nothing to do with breaking up- just life, the good parts and here and there the really heavy bad parts. Masterful writing and storytelling, I don't even know you or any of these people but its very powerful and thought provoking. Thank you
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