Monday, April 17, 2006

I got a My Space friend request from my youngest sister a few days ago. I don't think she's been on My Space very long but she already has about a hundred messages in her Comments section ("we are soooo going to dinner:):):):)"). This was followed by a message that she'd "figured out" who the girl is and that they are now My Space friends as well.

Saturday, the girl also mentioned this. "It's cute. But I need to edit my page. I'm sure your mom is going to see it."

The next day I talked to Mom on the phone and she had in fact seen it. "She seems cute."

"Oh no!" the girl screamed and immediately jumped on a computer to check out the damage.

"I don't remember there being anything that bad on your page," I said.

"My stupid friends," she said, scanning the Comments section of her page ("Hello slut!") and shaking her head.

Hello Arnie. Found your page while wasting the last half hour of my workday googling people from school back in "Hometown Ohio." You know, I live right around the block from you and had no idea that you had so many sisters. Weird.
ehershy, do you mean you did or do live around the block from me?

littlesister, the "dinner" message is in fact from your "wall" or whatever the comments section is called.
Oops. Left off a "d"--I used to live around the block. Near the elementary school.
I know a post everyday must be a daunting task, but come on Arnie do a little research.
Porn porn porn porn porn. Porn.
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