Thursday, April 20, 2006


Young: It was fun while it lasted.

now you look more like an accountant. are you an accountant?
It's a sad, sad day : (
i guess we're not having babies together afterall.
You guys are missing the point. Young's beautiful hair is still out there somewhere and you, you... could have it all to yourself...
Young, you look cute any which way. But I did love that thick curly hair o'yours.
The hair will return when I lose 40 lbs. That way people will say "That guy has cool hair" instead of "Why is that fat guy trying to have cool hair?"

Jeanine you'd said we'd have babies and I'm holding you to it. Hair grows back.
Aaahhh... Eddie Haskell's back.

But seriously, Matt, what was the guy's name who Visser talks about who has the fruit pie and the birds attack him? You look like one of his crew.

And I really liked the hair, pre-cut, as well.
Eddie Eggles. It made him look distinguished.
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