Sunday, April 23, 2006

Glynn, Young, Steve, Alex, Shane and I were on ABC-7's weekend morning show this morning to promote Whirled News Tonight and the upcoming Chicago Improv Festival.

Our stage was in a big room behind the main news set and next to the area for kitchen segments. There were two Roomba-like cameras slowly moving without operators.

Rushing around during a commercial break the morning show producer asked, "So how long is this skit?"

We had to explain that we were going to improvise some scenes so it could go as long or short as they wanted. It would be totally made up on the spot.

"Great," she said. "The segment will be three, four... seven minutes. I really don't know."

The sound guy set up the third microphone stand and said, "You guys can sing directly into these."

"No, we're not... we're not a musical act..."

Damn! I missed it. How did it go? What song did you sing?
you should record your bit and and upload it to
I watched and you guys did a great job! I wanted to punch the anchor guy who kept explaining over and over the difference between world and whirled.
You should have grabbed a news article and then sang it doo-wop style.
It'll probably be posted to the Whirled News Tonight website at some point in the next week or so. Then everyone can see how after Kevin Roy spends way too much time explaining the difference between "world" and "whirled", for some reason I decide to start talking about it too. I think the city of Chicago learned a lot about homonyms.
If you're in the picture along with everyone else, who took this picture?
To be fair, the mere act of standing next to me makes Arnie look gigantic. Or anyone else. Alex isn't really all that tall.

Our rendition of "Mary, Don't You Weep" was very well received.
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