Monday, April 24, 2006

This is what I look like on television.

I've never been a fan of local news, or local newscasters, but I must admit that I liked Kevin Roy. He did a good job of putting us all at ease, especially me, designated "on-air captain" and interviewee.

During the interview, the few times I stumbled, Kevin Roy was there in an instant, keeping things moving. And it's easy to stumble. The festival is taking place at the Athenaeum. Where is the Athenaeum, again? Uh, can't remember. It's on Southport isn't it? Yes it is on Southport, thank you Kevin.

I wonder if anyone caught my favorite mistake that I made. When talking about the improv festival I said, "There are dozens of shows, hundreds of groups, thousands of performers."

There are not thousands of performers. There are maybe about a hundred performers in the festival all-told. Halfway through the sentence I thought, "Uh oh, these numbers are escalating too fast. I should have started with something lower than dozens. Oh well, I guess I'm just going to say there are thousands of performers. No turning back now."

Kevin Roy didn't bat an eye, just kept us moving forward to the next discussion point, like a man guiding his wife across a busy intersection, his hand casually, but firmly at her back.

... and now a woman can't even make it through an intersection without the help of her husband. You are a misogynist.
So, was it really that hot in Cleveland yesterday, or did the Cavs beat the Wizards?
Oh, and Yellowtail?

We need to have a talk.
Now I feel badly for saying I wanted to punch him. If he was nice to you guys and helped you cross the street and stuff then I take that back.
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