Saturday, June 03, 2006

One of the main reasons for my trip to Ohio is to see my grandmother and check out the nursing home where she's staying. It seems reasonably nice, I suppose, clean, but as Grandma said, "When I get in bed, I look up at the ceiling and think, is this where I'm going to live?"

Grandma: This is where Ralph died, you know.
Me: He did?
Grandma: He was here a couple weeks after the hospital. Cancer.
Me: I thought it happened in the hospital.
Grandma: No, he died in this place. I just figured out what room last week. It took me a while to figure it out because it's over on the other side of the building.

My two year old nephew, Ty, was with me, and as we were saying goodbye, Grandma leaned down to him and said, maybe joking, maybe not, "Take me with you."

Grandma is missing pictures of family on her walls to look at instead of the ceiling.
You take nice pictures Arnie, I say adorn the walls with 'em.
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