Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Watched the season finale of the Sopranos, which I had recorded on the DVR for the girl and me.

[I guess I should say No Spoilers, at least for this season]

Years ago I recorded all of season four of the Sopranos for N, waited to watch them until N had time, and then we slowly caught up together. It's how a nerdy guy expresses his love, I guess. "I will tape our shows for us."

We watched the finale of season four the night I planned to propose to N. I could be wrong, but I don't think anyone died in that episode. It simply showed Tony and Carmella's relationship finally reaching the bitter breaking point. An exhausting hour ending in their separation.

It seemed like a bad time to give N the ring, but I had backed myself into a corner. She was going home for Christmas the next day to visit her family. I wouldn't see her until New Years, and then she would be expecting it. I decided I preferred the surprise.

If it seemed strange or sad to N to get engaged the same night we watched a relationship fall apart, she never mentioned it. Instead we went from room to room in her apartment, seeing how the ring looked under different light.

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